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Creative UK has commissioned this survey to support discussions about growth in creative industry businesses and organisations. The fieldwork for this survey is being undertaken by the BVA BRDC Group, supported by Creative UK. In partnership with Creative UK, the Creative Industries Policy & Evidence Centre is analysing the survey findings.

The information you provide will feed directly into engagement with the newly formed UK Government following the UK General Election. This survey is seeking to understand the way you have or have not used external finance in the past and your plans for the future. It should take no more than 30 minutes to complete.

There are no right or wrong answers. Your responses will be anonymous, and your company’s identity will not be shared. Anonymised data will be used only in analysis by BVA BDRC and the Creative Industries Policy and Evidence Centre. No information that could identify your company will be shared without your explicit consent. At the end of the survey we will ask you what, if any, data you are happy to share, but you will have the option for your answers to remain entirely confidential. Completing the survey indicates your consent for us to use the data you provide for these purposes. If you have a question about this research please contact Ed White at

This survey is being sent out through a range of networks. It is possible that you may receive several invitations to take part but please only complete it once. If you are not the best person in your organisation to answer these questions about topics such as finance and future plans, please forward to a colleague who is.

Please be aware that your progress will only be saved upon completion of the survey, so we recommend that you provide all responses in one sitting.